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БДСМ и Секс Фетиш Объявления
БДСМ и Секс Фетиш
Serij18, 32
Riga r.
Hotel bi najti aktivnogo parnja, ljubjaschego podchinjatj.
Ja ljublju ispolnjatj zelanija i prikazi, oral, anal, rimming, spermu, zd, svjazivanie, porku i mozem probovatj mnogoe drugoe. Hotelosj bi najti na
postojannoj osnove.
01.09.24 13:45
Jūsu rīcībā, 42
Čav. Vēlos iepazīties ar sievieti, divām draudzenēm vai pāri bez vecuma ierobežojumiem kuru tāpat kā mani interesē iepazīties, tikties un realizēt savas vēlmes, kurai sagādā baudu un uzbudina otra partnera palutināšana orāli tāpat kā man sagādā baudu orāli uzbudināt, sagādāt baudu un novest līdz orgasmam sievieti. Pārējās sexuālās vēlmes un to realizācija laikā gaitā abiem to vēloties. Man svarīgākais sajust un izbaudīt to kā sieviete gūst baudu. Pieredze un attiecību statuss nav svarīgi. Tu vēlams no Gulbenes, Madonas, Alūksnes, Balvu vai Smiltenes puses. Ir auto un nav problēmu ar nokļūšanu. Raksti droši, izrunāsim visu sīkāk un tad jau sapratīsim ko un kā gribam.
29.08.24 09:32
petplay, 46
Riga r.
Mekleju sievieti mājdzīvnieka suņa lomai
15.08.24 23:24
Ralf, 18
Hello my name is Ralf and I'm a 18. horny teen boy. I enjoy exploring different roles within the BDSM dynamic. When it comes to femdom, I relish being a submissive, surrendering control to a powerful and confident woman. Conversely, I also thrive in the dominant role when partnered with those who enjoy being "bad girls."
My primary BDSM kinks include bondage, where the art of restraint enhances the experience, and orgasm torture, which adds an intense edge to the play. However, I'm always eager to experiment and try new things, continually expanding my horizons within the BDSM world. I believe in open communication, trust, and mutual respect, ensuring that all activities are consensual and enjoyable for everyone involved.
I also enjoy phone sex and exchanging pictures, which add intimacy and excitement, enhancing our connection even when we’re apart.
P.S. I write in english because ouse I don't know how to write these things in latvian. Fell free to text me
02.08.24 22:54
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