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Dāsnas balvas uzvarētājiem 🏆🤑 Piedalīties var ikviens! Vairāk
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Par mani
If you’re woman – hit me up anytime, I’m automatically interested, you are beautiful <3 If you’re guy – I’m not interested much. I’m not interested in relationships or sex with men in general, trying to connect with y’all mentally or emotionally mostly is useless, most of you mentally and emotionally are way below my level, and given the fact that even objectively intense fuckmachine, operated by my friend, who know very well, what she does and done it beautifully, haven’t left me impressed enough, and the fact that most of y’all focus on your pleasure, not on woman’s pleasure in sex and see sex as something that you DO TO a woman, not as something that you DO WITH a woman, I highly doubt that you can satisfy me with your dick or sex skills. So, given the fact that I can’t know if you too will leave me unsatisfied as almost all men before you, if you wanna date me, fuck me, or be fucked by me, either figure out smth else that you can offer to the table and don’t disappoint me, or just pay me for My time, spent on you, till I get to know you and start to be interested in you, because see, that the relationship is actually beneficial to me too, not only to you.)))) Also, I hate vulgarity. Don’t be vulgar around or towards me. If I ever will be disgusted from you, it will be immediate “no” from me, whether it’s your first message, our third date, or we in the middle of fucking. Now, about me: Vaccinated(all at the time available doses)✅ Pro Ukraine✅ ADHD&autistic. Honest, straightforwarded, sometimes blunt, want no shit for it and expect first two also from other person. Sometimes trying to go vegan. 420 friendly, but don’t use often myself. Bigender(Currently – transfeminine and go by she/her, or in English you can also use shey/shem, but in general – ASK pronouns!). Omnisensual – Vers and switch with women and nonbinary people, top and dom with males. Sadomasochistic. Grayasexual. Looking for non-sexual bdsm&kink and for romantic relationships. Right now especially interested in becoming someones(female or queer!!!) masochistic sub kitten(in purely non-sexual and very affectionate way) at this point, but open to dominating and topping too, if with right person.(affectionate sadism&dominance. For more info, my limits and kinks in both power roles, and my thoughts on relationship dynamic roles with me – ask for my FL profile) Poliamorous, currently in open relationship. Theoretically, ENFJ, but tests doesn’t work on me bc of neurodivergency. Meeting in Riga, for the start you can meet me at community events or ask me out for coffee. I like quality communication, authenticity, and long talks. Open up your hearth, not your pants. My hobbies are activism, stage art, psychology, educating ppls about SexEd, ADHD and queers. Autistic special interest – power dynamics. Only way to relationship with me is texting or asking me something about those topics and starting friendship with me. I have cute dog))))
  • Orientācija bi, uni
  • Attiecību statuss tas ir sarežģīti
  • Miesasbūve parasts
  • Svars, kg 60
  • Augums, cm 162
  • Valodas latviešu, angļu, krievu
Es meklēju
Iepazīsies priekš
Seksā mīlu
  • Biedrs kopš 30.11.22
  • Profila skatījumi 4926
  • Publisks/privāts foto 3/0
  • Publiski/privāti video 0/0